Confidence and group work journal
Confidence and group work journal

confidence and group work journal

Subsequent levels of sport confidence then influence an athlete's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, which determine sporting performance. competitive standard, motivational climate, and the goals and structural expectations of sport programmes) and the personality characteristics, attitudes, and values of individual athletes influence the development and manifestation of confidence in athletes, as well as the three domains they use to source confidence (achievement, self-regulation, and social climate). The integrative model of sport confidence (Vealey, Citation2001) predicts that organizational culture (e.g. The function of Vealey's revised model was twofold: first, it provided an organizational framework from which meaningful extensions to the literature could be generated, and second, the model served as a foundation from which interventions designed to enhance confidence in athletes could be developed. More recently, Vealey's work has advanced to developing a unifying framework relevant both to researchers and practitioners for the study and enhancement of confidence in sport (Vealey, Citation2001). Vealey provided the first model of sport confidence in 1986 in an attempt to develop a sport-specific framework and inventories to operationalize confidence in competitive sport. Thus, it is perhaps not surprising that the study of self-confidence has featured prominently in sport psychology literature, with social cognitive theories such as Bandura's ( Citation1977) self-efficacy theory and Vealey's ( Citation1986, Citation1998, Citation2001) models of sport confidence providing the basis for most of this work. One of the most consistent findings in the peak performance literature is the significant correlation between self-confidence and successful sporting performance (Feltz, Citation2007). Thus, the focus of interventions designed to enhance sport confidence must reflect the individual needs of the athlete, and might involve identifying an athlete's sources and types of confidence, and ensuring that these are intact during competition preparation phases These factors appeared to be associated with the sources from which they derived their confidence and influenced to some extent by gender. However, the athletes participating in this study were susceptible to factors that served to debilitate their confidence. Analysis indicated that high sport confidence facilitated performance through its positive effect on athletes' thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Using Vealey's ( Citation2001) integrative model of sport confidence as a broad conceptual base, 14 athletes (7 males, 7 females) were interviewed in response to the research aims.

confidence and group work journal

In this study, we examined the role of confidence in relation to the cognitive, affective, and behavioural responses it elicits, and identified the factors responsible for debilitating confidence within the organizational subculture of world-class sport.

Confidence and group work journal