Weight watcher meeting
Weight watcher meeting

My authority comes from on High." When the Protégé claimed to the Living Tribunal and other cosmic entities that he was the most powerful being that ever was, and that he would surpass them all and move up, the Tribunal countered, "Impossible! There is only one above the Living Tribunal!" Later, after the Protégé declared himself the One Above All in an attempt to seize ultimate power, the Tribunal absorbed the Protégé into itself, proclaiming, "Your actions and intentions are inexcusable! Make your peace! May the One-Above-All forgive you!" ĭuring her crusade, the Goddess, seeking to purge Creation of all evil and believing herself serving the will of "the Supreme One", gathered dozens of Earth's most devout heroes to her base in Paradise Omega. The Cosmic Cube Kubik, on a tour of reality displaying various higher powers to Kosmos, upon meeting the Tribunal, told her that while it is the most supreme power which can be comprehended, "logic would indicate that the Tribunal itself is but another servant, but of what none dare imagine." In the aftermath of the events of Infinity Gauntlet, the Living Tribunal easily undid all the destruction an enraged Adam Warlock wreaked in his Trial, claiming that, "I represent forces that dwarf even your might. Laws set forth from Above declare that only he may now reverse that decision.” Master Order, whilst observing Adam Warlock alongside Lord Chaos, said: “And may the Supreme Will smile on the golden warrior.” Warlock later recounts how he was called to judgment by the Living Tribunal, who he describes as “the servant of the One who is above even gods.” The Living Tribunal is said to be "the representative of one whose might exceeds even Eternity", and the omniscient Infinity Well within Death's realm described the Tribunal as “the representative of the One who is above all.” The Tribunal later stated: “It was Eternity who first brought this matter to my attention and whom I ruled in favor of. Even I, son of one of the mightiest of all gods, find it impossible to conceive of such levels of power! And 'tis a humbling thought to consider how much greater the Creator of all Universes must be than that of all of His creations combined!" When the pregnant Susan Storm feared for her husband's possible death at the hands of the "all-powerful" Silver Surfer, Uatu the Watcher explained to her that there is only one being that is truly "all-powerful", and that " His only love!", During an encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, the cosmic entity Eternity told Strange: "I and my brother, Death, comprise all of your reality, mystic! Neither he nor I are God, for God rules all realities!" When Thor once compared himself and Odin to various other gods and abstract beings in terms of power, he noted: ".and 'tis said that a being, called the Living Tribunal - the final judge - hath the power to enforce his will 'pon any cosmos he doth judge! And 'tis said his power is supreme in all the Multiverse. In order to create life anew through the cycle of death and rebirth of the Multiverse, they can manifest as the dark entity, the One Below All, who serves as the counterweight to the expanding life in the Multiverse. Īpparently responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond, the One Above All is the master and sole superior of the cosmic overseer and arbitrator known as the Living Tribunal, whose faces, embodying equity, vengeance, and necessity respectively, are in perfect alignment with one another as it passes judgment. There are things that even the One Above All does not know, and while the mystery frightens and disgusts the One Below All, the One Above All is intrigued by it. It is speculated that the One Above All is possibly the start of something even higher. As the One Above All, it builds as the One Below All, it breaks and it breaks so that it could build anew. The One Above All's only weapon is love however, it can also manifest itself as a demonic entity called the One Below All, whose only weapon is hate.

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The One Above All lives in the House of Ideas, or "Heaven," beyond all time and space. Normally, the One Above All's servant, the Living Tribunal, acts on its behalf as the supreme authority of the Multiverse, although the One Above All does directly intervene from time to time. It is said to be more powerful than all its creations combined. The One Above All is the highest creative force in known existence, and the source of all there is, was, and ever will be. They are themselves, but they are also me.

Weight watcher meeting